Liberals Rally on Behalf of Foreign-Born Convicted Murder Who is Set to be Deported by ICE

A foreign-born convicted murderer, Tyrone Abraham has become the latest cause du jour for liberals as they hope to get him freed before he is set to be deported by ICE.

Abraham served 25 years in prison after being convicted for the crime of second-degree murder. He is celebrated by liberals because he turned into an advocate for gun control while he was behind bars. He gave his testimony as apart of a campaign for prisoners’ voices to be heard.

Although Abraham insists that he is a changed man, he has been apprehended by ICE as apart of a crackdown on immigrants who have a criminal history. After he was granted parole in New York, ICE placed him under detention and now plan to deport him in the near future.

“New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has issued pardons to individuals in recognition of their rehabilitative efforts to remove the barriers that their criminal records impose on their immigration status,” wrote Abraham’s daughter Shayquana, who has started a #LetMyFatherStay hashtag campaign to raise awareness for her cause.

“We ask Gov. Cuomo to again demonstrate his belief in the power of redemption, mercy, and transformation by reuniting a father, educator, and community advocate with his family. With time against him, a grant of pardon from Gov. Cuomo is the only chance Tyrone and his family have to bring him home,” she added.

The campaign hopes to convince Cuomo to pardon Abraham. With the criminal act no longer on his record following the pardon, there would theoretically be no reason to deport him. This is how they hope to get around federal law, and put a murderer back on the streets.

“My father served his time, every day of his sentence; and so did our entire family. I need my father, my aging grandmother needs her son, my mother needs her husband, my uncle needs his brother, my cousins need their uncle, and my father needs us. Keeping my father away from our family and sending him to a land he does not know and where he has no support system is cruel and defies logic,” Shayquana wrote.

“Moreover, deporting my father would be a terrible loss for our community. New York taxpayers invested tremendous resources in my father’s transformation, and with the help of dedicated professionals, he succeeded remarkably. My father will continue his community work as a credible messenger after his incarceration. But without your pardon, we will all lose what we stand to benefit from my father’s return,” she added.

While liberals regularly demonize law-abiding conservative Americans, they happily rally behind thugs and murderers. Abraham is the latest charity case who liberals hope they can free with their campaign.

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