Liberty University Sending 300 Students to D.C. to Support Kavanaugh

A Christian university in Virginia plans to send 300 students to Washington, D.C. Thursday in support of embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
“Liberty University is only three hours from D.C., so we try to give our students a chance to get involved in national politics,” said Liberty University president Jerry Falwell Jr. at Wednesday’s convocation.
The event was keynoted by Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens.
“If you want to be excused from classes tomorrow, go to Washington and counter what the Yale students are doing, [and] support Judge Kavanaugh, we’ve got 300 spots for you,” Falwell said.
Leaving the hallowed legal principle of due process – which includes the presumption of innocence – in the dust, 300 Yale Law students descended upon Washington earlier this week to protest Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Yale is Kavanaugh’s alma mater.
The Judge has been accused of sexual misconduct by three women, none of whom have provided corroborating witnesses or evidence to support their claims from decades ago.
Thursday, the first accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, will testify in a Senate hearing. Ford, a leftist professor and anti-Trump activist who lives in Palo Alto, California and works as a university professor will provide her testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee after days of debate between Ford’s attorney’s and the Committee regarding forum and procedure for the questioning.