Live Free Or Die State Passes Anti-Freedom Gun Control Bills

Three gun control bills were passed out of the New Hampshire State Senate last week.
These bills included a mandatory waiting period bill, a universal background check bill, and a bill that gives school boards the power to create gun-free zones on school property.
These bills previously passed the House, but the Senate made several modifications to them and are now sending them back to the House.
State Senator Martha Hennessey declared in a statement, “With homicides on the rise, including with firearms, it’s now more important than ever that we pass common-sense gun violence prevention legislation.
Hennessey added, “Today’s Senate votes move New Hampshire forward on common-sense gun reform that strikes a reasonable balance between protecting public safety and second amendment rights.”
The waiting period bill would create a three-day waiting period before a gun is delivered to a buyer. Opponents declared that this bill represents an attack on gun shows and auctions, however supporters argue that it could prevent impulsive violence and suicides.
The universal background check bill would subject all transfers of firearms to a criminal background check.
The gun-free zone bill allows individual school boards to carve out gun-free zones on public school property. Any new proposal under this bill must first receive input from students. Opponents of the gun-free zone bill argue that this kind of legislation leaves students vulnerable to madmen because they know there won’t be any armed staff to stop them.
With a Republican Governor, Chris Sununu, in office, it is very likely that these bills will be vetoed. Sununu was responsible for signing Constitutional Carry in 2017.