LOOMER VIDEO: I Will Never Rest In My Fight To Expose Sharia Law

In my effort to expose the insidiousness of the Sharia threat, I have been banned from Twitter and other platforms and vilified by mainstream media outlets who answer to the anti-American globalist agenda. Does the Left really think they can stop me? Sorry, Sharia lovers, that’s never going to happen.

At the CAIR banquet in Woodland Hills, California on Saturday night, I made it abundantly clear that Ilhan Omar — a featured speaker there — hates Israel, and CAIR hates Jews. Was I allowed in? No, I was asked to leave. But CAIR could not stop the truth, which I kicked out to the people with a little help from my friends…


In January, the Wall Street Journal reported that CAIR lobbied Twitter to ban me from social media. CAIR has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates, and they gave money to Ilhan Omar’s campaign. I was banned by Twitter in November 2018 after I posted that Ilhan Omar is “anti-Jewish” and pro-Sharia.

Both of those things are true.

Last week, CAIR called on Fox News to fire Judge Jeanine Pirro after Judge Jeanine did an opening segment about Ilhan Omar, which highlighted her use of the hijab and her Jew hatred. As you can see, Islam does not CAIR for free speech.

My great friends helped me spread the message before the CAIR banquet:

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