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Mar 15, 2020

Maine Mayor Slams Big City Plastic Bag Bans as Researchers Say Reusables Spread Wuhan Virus

By Matthew T. McDonald

In 2012 the city of Seattle banned the use of single use plastic bags. The move was met with great applause by environmentalist and social justice campaigners.

Since then California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont followed suit, along with hundreds of cities and towns across America.

Recently the Mayor of New York City and failed Democrat candidate for President Bill de Blaiso said, “Big Oil has been pushing single use plastics for too long – and it stops here. They litter our beaches and parks, jam our recycling machines, and contribute to climate change.”

All was well on the march to the utopia of a national banning on all single use plastic bags until recently when the Wuhan Virus struck the shores of America.

According to the most recent updates there are over six hundred and forty positive cases in Washington State with the death toll rising to forty people and six hundred and thirty cases in New York State, with two hundred and seventy of them in New York City. In total forty seven States now have positive cases.

Researchers are now showing that those tote and reusable bags that were imposed on tens of millions of Americans from coast to coast could in fact spread the virus as well as influenza.

On Sunday morning the researchers were joined in their alarm by Nick Isgro, the two-term mayor of Waterville, Maine a city of seventeen thousand people located in the central part of the Pine Tree State.

Mayor Isgro posted on his Facebook page “Tomorrow at our first COVID-19 Task Force meeting I plan to ask that we go to the City Council and ask them to not only temporarily suspend the ordinance passed last year banning the use of plastic bags, but also encourage all retailers to, until the COVID-19 outbreak passes, enforce a ban on bags brought from home.”

Big League Politics reached out to Mayor Isgro and he gave us the following statement:

“I’m asking for the ban because we know that bags from home are often full of contaminants and disease. We also know that right now our grocery stores have higher than normal customer counts, while at the same time running out of the very supplies we’d be asking people to clean their bags with. For the safety of the community, including both customers and store employees who are already under tremendous stress, it seems like a simple and common sense request to add to the mix of other safety precautions we are asking people to take.”

When asked about how his community is responding to his request Mayor Isgro remarked, “So far outside of one of two Facebook comments I’ve seen no negative feedback, only common sense support. I think most people realize this is not a time for politics.”

The mayor expresses hope that other communities will follow as well as store chains themselves.