A mainstream news outlet was outraged after white reporters were banned from covering a meeting about an upcoming mayoral race in Georgia.
“Organizers of a meeting to discuss an upcoming mayoral race in Georgia barred reporters from attending — unless they were African-American,” according to an Associated Press report.
The mainstream press has recently looked fondly upon black-only spaces, especially on college campuses where they are most prevalent, going so far as saying that black-only spaces are necessary. When the press has not openly supported such racism, it has simply fallen silent. In fact, Americans have often been told by our esteemed media that it is impossible for white people to be victims of racism.
But now that members of the media have fallen prey to this pernicious “progressive” segregation, the subject has finally garnered some national attention.
“White reporters were denied entry, while at least two black reporters and the publisher of a local African-American newspaper were allowed inside, the Savannah Morning News reported. Television cameras and recording devices were also prohibited,” the report said. “The newspaper said the Rev. Clarence Teddy Williams, who organized the meeting, declined to discuss the entry policy.”
Some, but not all of the black candidates for the Savannah mayorship showed up to the event. One candidate thought the event was inappropriate due to its divisiveness.
“Regina Thomas, a former Georgia state senator and one of the incumbent mayor’s black challengers, skipped the church gathering Wednesday,” according to the report. “She said the meeting appeared divisive and was scheduled too early in the campaign. The deadline for candidates to sign up for the race is Aug. 23. Thomas said she also had a scheduling conflict: her Bible study group met Wednesday night.”
Overt anti-white racism has reared its head across the globe of late. Some cricket fans were ejected from an Australian stadium and fined for unfurling an “It’s OK to be white” banner in January.
Twitter has previously censored the message “It’s Ok To Be White” on their platform, hiding the phrase behind a “sensitive material” warning.
Far-left media outlets like NBC have celebrated the banning and censorship of conservative, nationalist, populist groups like Britain First, which Donald Trump has retweeted, which led to his taking flack from U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May.
For some, the recent banning of white journalists in the United States seems to be the logical conclusion of a sustained campaign of anti-white, anti-Christian censorship worldwide.
Some are now asking whether the Associated Press could be banned for having been marked as a member of that set of Americans which is not allowed to exist online or in the real world because of the color of their skin, which — as the AP learned — is not “okay” in some circles.
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