Major Credit Card Companies Are Using Code To Track Firearms Purchase Information In California

According to a CBS New report, Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are rolling out a special merchant code to track firearms and other purchases connected to firearms in California.

CBS News reported that the new merchant code will be used to stay in compliance with a “California law that will allow banks to potentially track suspicious gun purchases and report them to law enforcement.”

This move comes following credit card giants’ move to adopt then walk back plans to use a new merchant code to keep tabs on firearm and firearm-related purchases nationally. However, credit card giants now have plans of using a merchant code to keep tabs on firearms and firearms-related sales to abide by a new law in California. 

Per a report by the Washington Examiner, California’s law will go into effect in 2025. North Carolina Congressman Richard Hudson offered his take on this plan to keep tabs on firearm purchases, declaring “Once again, credit card companies are attempting to track the information of lawful gun owners. This is yet another egregious ATTACK by the Far Left on Americans’ Second Amendment rights to bear arms.”

Due to the US’s strongly embedded gun culture and the ferocity of pro-gun lobbies, Gun Control Inc. can’t pass civilian disarmament legislation at will. In turn, they have to rely on corporate gun control to advance their anti-gun agenda. 

These types of schemes must be stopped in their tracks. The way to do that is by using prudential state power to throttle private actors who engage in such dastardly behavior.

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