Many Newspapers are Refusing to Publish Mugshot Galleries Because the Criminals Aren’t White
There is a growing trend of newspapers across the country that are refusing to publish mugshot galleries because the pictures of minority criminals are supposedly reinforcing negative stereotypes.
The Tampa Bay Times announced on Monday that they would stop publishing mugshot galleries due to concerns that they “disproportionately show black and brown faces.”
“The galleries lack context and further negative stereotypes,” Tampa Bay Times executive editor Mark Katches said in a statement.
“We think the data is an important resource that our newsroom will continue to analyze and watch carefully, but the galleries alone serve little journalistic purpose,” he added.
They followed suit shortly after the Orlando Sentinel announced that they were making a similar decision.
“We’ve come to realize that without context, the galleries have little journalistic value and may have reinforced negative stereotypes,” the Sentinel wrote about the paper’s decision to censor their mugshot database.
In addition, all Gannett-owned papers have announced that they will no longer publish “mugshot galleries, or mugshot photos that are not associated with a story or other editorial content,” according to a Poynter report.
This is part of a broader campaign to suppress facts about crime from being known by the greater public. Big League Politics has reported about how tech corporations are censoring crime statistics from being shared on their platforms:
Instagram is banning federal crime statistics, which drive a stake through the heart of Black Lives Matter’s narrative regarding supposed racial disparities, from being shared on their platform…
The murder rate is incredibly skewed with whites being killed by blacks at a extremely disproportional rate.
In a survey conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, they found that there were a stunning 593,598 instances of documented interracial violent incidents last year, counting black-on-white instances as well as white-on-black instances. The findings are absolutely stunning.
Blacks committed an incredible 537,204 instances of interracial violent attacks against white people, accounting for 90 percent of the violence. White people only committed 56,394 attacks against black people over the same time period. Considering how many more white people there are in the country than blacks, these numbers are staggering.
In addition, data from the Justice Department recorded from 2017 indicates that black people are over-represented when it comes to hate crimes as well while white people are under-represented by 24 percent…
The Silicon Valley titans are at war against the truth. They want the left-wing mob to loot, riot and destroy without the public ever understanding what’s really going on.