Media Lies, Blames Trump for Man Consuming Fish Tank Chemicals to Cure Coronavirus

Liberal media outlets are making wild accusations of false medical advice after an Arizona couple consumed fishtank chemicals that contain a substance President Donald Trump said could prove useful in fighting coronavirus.

An Arizona man died Monday after he ingested fish tank additives that contain a chemical President Trump said could be used for new drugs to fight the Chinese coronavirus. His wife remains in critical condition in the hospital.

Reporting from the Hill frames the event as if the man and his wife took medication containing chloroquine phosphate. But the couple did not take products designed for human consumption, instead ingesting fish treatment chemicals that merely contain the chemical.

There’s no reason to believe that the couple even took anything that was designed as malaria medication. Fish tank additives certainly aren’t even if they contain chloroquine(in far differing levels than actual medications).

Liberal windbag George Conway was one of several prominent commentators who fired off with the desperately reaching accusation against Trump, claiming that Trump’s comments on the substance’s potential were enough for the Arizona couple to assume that consuming fish tank additives would be safe.

CNN International’s headline also neglected to clarify that the man had self-medicated with a fishtank product that is in no way intended for human consumption.

Liberal Twitter personalities and mainstream media outlets simply running with an account of events that involved the couple taking a substance Trump recommended for human consumption were promptly corrected.

Choloroquine phosphate does contain medical value, as Trump correctly stated. The substance is used in drugs that treat malaria. But it should go without saying that fishtank chemicals are not designed for medical use, and President Trump in no way shape or form endorsed such consumption.

President Trump had said at a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine-based treatments were showing “very, very encouraging early results” and that “we’re going to be able to make that drug available almost immediately.”

The death of an Arizona man and the injury of his wife from ingesting the chemical is a tragedy. But adults should know that taking foreign chemical substances not intended for human consumption without the advice of a doctor is simply a bad move.

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