Mexico Preparing for 20,000 Strong “Mother of all Caravans”

The largest yet of the so-called migrant “caravans” could be forming in Central America shortly, according to reports from the Mexican government.

Mexico’s Interior Secretary, Olga Sanchez Cordero, has warned of the possibility that a caravan with up to 20,000 migrants could soon arrive in her country with the intentions of traveling to the United States.

On Wednesday the Mexican government official claimed she had received information about such a group forming in the Central American nation of Honduras.

We have information that a new caravan is forming in Honduras, that they’re calling ‘the mother of all caravans,’ and they are thinking it could have more than 20,000 people.

This would be the largest single caravan yet, as even the biggest groups of Central American migrants had around 7,000 people. Formations of migrants of that size tended to decline in numbers as they progressed to the U.S-Mexico border, and there’s reason to believe a caravan of 20,000 couldn’t be supported by existing infrastructure.

Operatives linked to billionaire oligarch George Soros have been previously involved in providing resources and organization to migrant caravans. It remains unclear if Soros-linked networks have the capacity to support migrant caravans of the size estimated by Cordero, however.

Cooperation between the governments of the United States and Mexico is essential to properly and effectively deterring the threatening and costly voyages of Central American caravans. Citizens of Mexico have become increasingly irritated by the large groups of migrants traveling through their country, who often pose a criminal threat, requiring efforts from Mexican government officials such as Cordero to prevent them from coming.


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