Michelle Malkin Prepares For A Post-Google/Facebook/Twitter World

Coming off of the heels of a smash CPAC speech, author and speaker Michele Malkin recommended a list of alternative social media platforms for conservatives on Thursday.

Malkin suggested that conservatives check out the alternatives to left-wing and biased platforms such as Facebook and Google on Twitter.

The platforms Malkin are promoting are new and insurgent alternatives to major Silicon Valley monopolies that regularly practice mass censorship, banning of conservative users, manipulation of search results, and much more.

ProtonMail, the service Malkin suggested as an alternative email service, is known for thorough encryption techniques that allow its users to escape mass surveillance practiced by the National Security Agency. It’s based in Switzerland, placing in a location that enables it to avoid international data collection and surveillance programs.

Minds has been billed as a free speech alternative to Facebook, describing itself as a “crypto social network” that promotes “internet freedom.” Users are compensated in cryptocurrency for their contributions to the platform.

If some of the new internet media companies Malkin suggests trying gain enough popularity to genuinely complete with Silicon Valley monopolies like Facebook and Google, it could spell a death knell for a business model in which progressive elitists utilize their positions of power at big tech companies to crush competing and right-wing points of view.

Platforms such as Facebook and Twitter offer their user base itself as the main attraction to their service and nothing more. As young people flee from Facebook, it’s possible the company will inject increasingly massive levels of advertising into the content viewed by users in an attempt to compensate for the loss of the advertiser-preferred demographic.

A decline of Silicon Valley monopolies in favor of new and decentralized could potentially herald a return to the pre-2014 “golden age of the internet,” in which users of social media platforms were the foundation of internet content, as opposed to tech bosses. After the victory of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, progressives in places of power decided it was increasingly necessary to shut down criticism of liberal ideas online in order to preserve a place for establishment political parties and figures to retain power.

Let’s hope the legacy dinosaur internet companies take their place with defunct corporations like Enron and Standard Oil sooner rather than later!


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