Michigan Republican Senator Who Badgered Vote Fraud Witnesses is Now Calling for Democrat Attorney General to Arrest Whistleblowers

Michigan State Senator Ed McBroom (R-Vulcan) has been one of his state’s top enforcers of voter fraud since November, and he is now essentially calling for vote fraud whistleblowers to be arrested by Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel.
Nessel has issued threats to vote fraud whistleblowers and the independent reporters exposing the multitude of first-hand claims of improprieties made on election night. McBroom is hoping to give bipartisan cover to Nessel as she abuses her power to prevent a legitimate investigation into voter fraud.
McBroom, who had previously attacked and harassed whistleblowers at a hearing in the Senate Oversight Committee last year, determined in a 35-page report that “there is no evidence presented at this time to prove either significant acts of fraud or that an organized, wide-scale effort to commit fraudulent activity was perpetrated in order to subvert the will of Michigan voters.”
His report downplays the fact that tens of thousands of ballots were dumped at the dead of night at the TCF Center in Detroit with no transparency, no accountability and no chain of custody. McBroom also clears the voting systems from any wrongdoing – despite the fact that nobody can seem to explain how they work – and says that no forensic audit is necessary because he and the Democrats have done all the investigating that needs to be done.
Furthermore, McBroom made it clear during an interview with Bridge Michigan that his report is meant to build the case for Nessel to prosecute prominent vote fraud whistleblowers. He said his report lays out “good reason” that vote fraud whistleblowers are “purposely defrauding people,” which he claims would be a criminal act. He refers to attorney Matt DePerno, a lawyer who has led a high-profile voter fraud case in Antrim County, in particular.
“The claims have become so ludicrous when compared to the actual facts,” he said. “And yet people persist, such as Mr. DePerno.”
Big League Politics has reported about the efforts of heroes like DePerno and former state senator Patrick Colbeck, who appeared on our podcast recently to discuss the best ways to spread the truth about electronic voter fraud to the confused and propagandized masses:
“Former state senator Pat Colbeck appeared on Big League Politics Live where he explained the best ways to talk about computerized vote fraud with the masses.
Election integrity crusaders have often had a difficult time explaining these complicated and byzantine issues to the public, particularly with the fake news machine biasing them with propaganda constantly. Colbeck attempted to address these concerns while appearing on the video podcast.
“It’s not Dominion that’s the problem on all this, frankly, it’s all electronic voting systems, and I’ll tell you why,” he said.
“The first thing that everybody needs to understand is the concept of chain of custody,” Colbeck added.
Colbeck said that most people are aware of chain of custody due to watching crime dramas or crime shows, and it is easy to draw on that knowledge to make crucial points about voter fraud.
“If you have a bunch of fake voters in the qualified voter file, for example, they’re going to find their way into the poll book. If you’re not following procedures in the poll book and actually ensuring and verifying the identity of the person who’s casting the vote before you give them a ballot, well, you just broke that link,” he said – explaining how many “links” in the chain of custody were broken during the 2020 election steal.
“If you haven’t secured the ballot containers, well, someone could just go in and maybe just pull up with a van in the middle of the night and stuff a bunch of mailboxes with a bunch of ballots that they could just go into a tabulator… So that’s just another way they could steal it,” Colbeck added.”
McBroom has revealed himself to be in cahoots with Democrats in the state who are issuing threats and spreading nonsense in order to prevent a legitimate investigation into voter fraud. He will be remembered among the Benedict Arnolds who folded when their country needed them most.