Migrant Gangs Blow Up 500 ATMs in Germany in 2022 

Organized criminal gangs that are active in countries such as France and the Netherlands, have been causing mayhem across Germany. According to a report by Remix News, these gangs are of predominantly Moroccan extraction and blowing up ATMs in Germany at record levels. 

According to government statistics, in 2022, these migrant gangs blew up 500 ATMs — a record level of robbery operations. 

Germany is still a cash-dependent country. As a result, banks run approximately 100,000 ATMs across Germany. Per John Cody of Remix News, machines “routinely” contain “between €50,000 and €100,000.” Criminal gangs exploit this to their heart’s content and use violent methods to extract this cash. These criminal entities are notorious for the detailed planning they put in their operations. Law enforcement have also noted that these criminal entities act with “brutality and ruthlessness”’, which presents a danger to public safety. 

There are several cases of migrants blowing up banks with powerful explosives, and, in turn, destroying whole buildings. Law enforcement believes that Germany face unprecedented dangers due to how many of these banks are located in residential buildings.

While official figures for bank robberies have not been officially published for 2022, German newspaper Welt Am Sonntag obtained law enforcement sources that indicated there were 500 attacks of this nature. 

Such demolition attacks have been on the rise in recent years. In 2021, Germany’s Federal Criminal Police reported that there were 414 cases of attempted or successful demolitions.

According to authorities, these gangs are mostly active in west Germany, especially in the states of North-Rhine Westphalia and Lower Saxony. These states are close to the Netherlands, where the gangs have a strong presence in. 

Europe is not exempt from the scourge that is the Great Replacement. European leaders’ decision to open the floodgates to mass migration has opened up a Pandora’s Box of social problems that’s destabilizing countries ranging from the United Kingdom to France to Germany. To protect Europe’s demographic integrity, European leaders will need to start halting immigration from non-European countries and even repatriating unassimilable migrants. 

Anything short of that will lead to the cultural disappearance of Europe. 

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