Migration Researcher: 20,000 Haitians Traveling Through Central America to Southern Border

As many as 20,000 Haitian citizens are traveling through Central America and Mexico en route to the US border, one Canadian migration researcher has claimed.

It’s going to be a hot mess, to put it lightly,said Caitlyn Yates, a Ph.D. student at the University of British Columbia. “We are talking about at least 20,000 Haitians making their way right now through Central America.”  

Haiti is one of the most destitute countries in the world, with large percentages of the country’s 11 million people willing to begin long voyages through Latin America in hopes of obtaining American citizenship, permanent residency, public services and welfare benefits.

The Department of Homeland Security is tracking one group of 20,000 Haitians in the nation of Colombia alone, according to internal documents obtained from the agency. DHS is also tracking groups of 1,500 and 3,000 migrants in Panama and Peru, respectively.

In spite of false claims on the part of administration officials that the migrants were going to be largely deported, at least half of the migrants camped out at the Del Rio International Bridge on the Rio Grande have been granted some form of conditional or permanent residency in the United States.

Migration experts have long pointed to ‘pull’ factors and the ease of obtaining US residency as a crucial factor in incentivizing mass illegal immigration, previously seen in the 2017-2018 ‘caravan’ phenomenon of Central American immigration to the United States. After President Donald Trump implemented the game-changing ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy requiring bogus asylum seekers to await the adjudication of their cases in the US immigration courts outside of the country, illegal immigration dramatically declined. President Biden immediately tore up the Remain in Mexico policy upon ascending to the presidential throne in January. A Supreme Court ruling has required Biden to restore the policy, with the executive branch dragging its feet to re-implement Remain in Mexico.

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