‘Ministry of Truth’ Director Jankowicz: Blue Checkmarks Should ‘Edit Other’s’ Tweets

Just when you thought the censorship wasn’t enough! A recently posted video of a Zoom call showed the Biden-endorsed “disinformation expert” Nina Jankowicz sharing her opinion that “verified” Twitter users should be able to edit the posts of others users should they believe they are misleading.

Jankowicz is the current acting director of the Department of Homeland Security’s newly created “Disinformation Governance Board,” which many critics have likened to a modern-day Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” The director told participants of a recent Zoom call that she is “verified” by Twitter and that “there are a lot of people who shouldn’t be verified, who aren’t legit” because “they’re not trustworthy.” The meeting in question was posted by The Post Millenial.

“Verified people can essentially start to ‘edit’ Twitter [in] the same sort of way that Wikipedia is so they can add context to certain tweets,” she added.

The ‘Ministry of Truth’ director then gave a hypothetical example of what such post-editing could look like.

“If President [Donald] Trump were still on Twitter and tweeted a claim about voter fraud, someone could add context from one of the 60 lawsuits that went through the court or something that an election official said…so that people have a fuller picture rather than just an individual claim on a tweet,” she said.

During the meeting, Jankowicz shared a chart of data outlining the continued declining trust in American insitutions. Jankowicz said the chart “shows the change in trust in institutions from 2017 to 2018.”

“This is produced by the Edelman Trust Barometer, which does the survey every year,” she continued. “And you see from 2017 to 2018, we had this just absolutely catastrophic fall off and trust in institutions in the United States. I would wager that among many of these countries that had a negative trend from 2017 to 2018, the decrease has been even larger since then, mostly because of the pandemic.”

“And that kind of gives you an idea of why COVID disinformation has been so successful because we already were in this distrustful environment toward our institutions, which then continued to lead us astray and present really difficult to discern information, etc, etc,” she went on.

“Again, remembering that this trust gap is key to successful disinformation campaigns that emotion is key to those disinformation campaigns is something that I want you to keep with you, not only as you’re navigating the news environment, but to remind your students of as well,” Jankowicz said.

Jankowicz has been known to engage in many public displays of false information herself in the past, previously posting tweets promoting a false claim that Trump is tied up with a Kremlin-linked bank. She has also cast doubt on the proven Hunter-Biden laptop scandal.

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