Mitch McConnell Betrays the American People, Sets Up $2K-Per-Person Stimulus Package to Fail in the Senate

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) obstructed a bill that would have given $2,000 stimulus checks to Americans who have had their lives decimated by COVID-19 lockdown policies.

McConnell gave the rationale that he was going to add repeal of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and an election fraud investigation to the measure.

However, McConnell’s stunt is not likely going to accomplish anything other than to dupe Republicans into thinking he is on their side.

Adding Section 230 repeal to the measure along with an election fraud investigation will likely doom the legislation and make it impossible to be passed. McConnell is playing partisan political games while American families are struggling to make ends meet.

Policy analyst Rachel Bovard noted that McConnell’s legislation contains language that would make it a total non-starter even if it were to pass in the Senate:

Big League Politics noted McConnell’s immense betrayal as he attempts to sabotage an easy victory set up for him by President Donald Trump:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) rejected unanimous consent today on a $2,000-per-person stimulus bill that would provide COVID-19 relief for struggling Americans…

McConnell denied the motion put forth by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NJ) that would have pushed the bill forward. He also denied a motion from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to speed up a vote on the measure. Even though he is obstructing the legislation, McConnell claims that it is not dead.

McConnell allegedly wants to address Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and an election fraud investigation along with the stimulus measure.

“This week the Senate will begin a process to bring these three priorities into focus,” McConnell said.

President Trump has set up this stimulus bill to be a huge win for Republicans before a crucial U.S. senate runoff election in Georgia.

“$2000 for our great people, not $600! They have suffered enough from the China Virus!!!” Trump wrote in a Twitter post.

Democrats have largely gotten on board with Trump’s proposal while Republicans in Congress are holding it back.

“The House and the President are in agreement: we must deliver $2,000 checks to American families struggling this Holiday Season,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wrote in a tweet.

McConnell is showing his true colors with his back against the wall. He is an unrepentant Washington D.C. swamp rat all the way. His corrupt leadership may result in a total collapse of the Republican Party.

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