Montana Governor Signs Legislation Protecting Financial Privacy of Purchases With Credit Cards at Firearm Vendors

The National Sports Shooting Foundation praised Montana Governor Greg Gianforte for recently signing a bill that would safeguard the financial privacy of purchases with credit cards at firearm vendors. Gianforte signed the Montana Second Amendment Financial Privacy Act (SB 359) to ban the use of a special Merchant Category Code (MCC) that is different from the code used by other sporting goods or general merchandise retailers for credit card purchases and to prevent financial institutions from sharing personal financial data. 

“Governor Gianforte is fulfilling his duties and responsibilities to protect the Second Amendment rights of Montanans against ‘woke’ activists intent on creating a back-door gun registry through the use of this special MCC,” stated Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President, and General Counsel. “Americans exercising their right to legally purchase firearms and ammunition should never be threatened by private financial service providers or government authorities to having their name and financial data being added to a government-accessible watchlist simply for exercising their Second Amendment rights. Governor Gianforte is ensuring that Montanans won’t be held captive by the radical ‘woke’ antigun agenda that seeks to weaponize credit cards in gun owners’ wallets against them. Gun owners should worry about what’s in their wallet, not who’s in their wallet.”

Credit card companies have recently become private enforcers of gun control. The Left knows it can’t fully restrict gun rights via legislative means, which has compelled them to use corporations to clamp down on these rights. 

In light of this development, the Right must adapt and start passing legislation to crack down on corporations that infringe on our sacred freedoms. Ultimately, there must be a price to pay for individuals or entities that attack our freedoms. 

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