More Americans Have Died of COVID Under Biden in 2021 Than Under Trump in 2020
More Americans have died of the Chinese coronavirus in 2021 than in 2020, even with vaccines and two and a half months left in the year. Data compiled by Johns Hopkins University indicates that 353,000 Americans have died of the coronavirus in 2021, a thousand more than in 2020.
Biden has sought to cast blame on unvaccinated Americans for his own failure to deliver on his campaign promises, hoping to shift responsibility for the situation from his own federal government to people with little to no power in mitigating and preventing the disease.
The latest statistics indicate that 65.7% of Americans have received two vaccination shots. The enduring presence of coronavirus in spite of a coercive vaccination campaign may suggest widespread immunity attained naturally rather than through vaccination would be more effective in deterring the disease. There’s compelling evidence that vaccines do decrease hospitalizations, but the continuing casualties as more Americans are vaccinated may suggest that so-called breakthrough infections are more common than the supposedly omniscient CDC and Anthony Fauci care to admit.
It’s very difficult to accurately gauge levels of herd natural immunity, but some estimates suggest that over a third of Americans have been infected with the coronavirus and recovered, giving them antibodies that protect against future infection from the disease.
But Biden’s failure to put a halt to the coronavirus epidemic stands as evidence of his administration’s ineptitude and dishonesty, regardless of one’s individual opinion on vaccines and their questionable efficacy. Biden made “shutting down this virus” his signature campaign proposal, making a bold claim that as President would have the ability to end a microscopic virus. He’s simply failed to deliver.
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