MSU Provost Goes Politically Correct by Eliminating the Words “Foreign” and “Alien”

In a recent announcement, Michigan State University Provost Teresa Woodruff declared that the university will stop using the terms “foreign” and “alien” to foster a more “inclusive” environment.
The Morning Watch reported that Woodruff said before the Associated Students of MSU (ASMSU) on October 22, that “we will eliminate from our collective lexicon the words ‘alien’ and ‘foreign.’ Instead, we’ve adopted non-pejorative terms that describe geography.”
The new language directed towards international students would now be “non-domestic” or “international,” the provost detailed. Woodruff added that the change will help “create a culture of not us vs. them, but of each other.”
Woodruff revealed that change was made by the MSU Office of the Provost and went through the Dean’s Council, and the federal government was made aware of these changes.
The ASMSU’s International Students Association representative Nikunj Agarwal declared that the language change is an “essential step” and that change in language will help in “making us feel really inclusive in the community.” MSU has been active over the past year in trying to become more politically correct and “inclusive.”
Back in October 2019, MSU made additional changes to appeal to resident aliens by launching a website for “undocumented students, refugees, and recipients of…DACA.” The website listed a number of goals which consisted of “reducing apprehension, addressing confusion, and giving better access to MSU resources.”
MSU’s President Samuel Stanley was especially shook after Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents gave a presentation before an MSU class. Stanley likened the the CBP agents’ visit to campus as acts of vandalism and part of the “concern and anger” at the university.
Public universities are making it clear that they don’t care about free speech and are willing to manipulate language for the sake of promoting political correctness. If conservatives aren’t majoring in high demand fields such as STEM, they should give universities the cold shoulder. There’s no need to subsidize institutions that hate you.