MUELLER: DNC Turned Down FBI Help To Secure Their Servers, Kept Getting Hacked By Russians
WASHINGTON – The Democratic National Committee turned down the FBI’s offer to secure their email and computer servers after the alleged Russian hack of DNC servers during the 2016 election.
Mueller’s indictment of twelve unknown Russian tech figures and their associates makes it clear that the Russians continued hacking the DNC servers until October 2016.
James Comey testified in January 2017 that the FBI offered to help the Democratic National Committee by inspecting its servers. But the Democratic National Committee refused. Instead, the DNC used a private contractor (identified in the Mueller indictment as “Company 1”) to manage server security.
Mueller admits that the DNC kept getting hacked until October 2016.
Legal experts believe that this represents a violation of the Espionage Act by the Democratic National Committee, similar to Hillary Clinton’s refusal to secure her Blackberry.
The fact that the Russians hacked DNC servers after the DNC refused to allow the FBI to secure the servers is an example of gross negligence.
Look at page 12 of the Mueller indictment: