Mueller Indicts Company That Doesn’t Exist in Russia Witch Hunt
Last week, Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller’s team showed up in the District Court for District of Columbia for the arraignment of two of the so-called “internet troll farm” companies that they say Russia used to influence the 2016 election results.
“So the purpose of this proceeding is to conduct an initial appearance and arraignment with respect to, I see, one of the defendants in the case, Concord Management and Consulting, LLC,” said Judge G. Michael Harvey, according to court transcripts.
The Judge continued, asking the attorney for Concord Management if a company called Concord Catering was associated with the organization, and was going to be arraigned. Concord Catering was listed in the federal government’s indictment.
“[It] is not,” said Eric A. Dubelier, counsel for Concord Management. “And the reason for that, Your Honor, is I think we’re dealing with a situation of the government having indicted the proverbial ham sandwich.”
“That company didn’t exist as a legal entity during the time period alleged by the . government,” Dubelier said.
This is the latest in a series of fumbles by the Mueller team.
Big League Politics reported last week that a federal judge harshly rebuked the special prosecutor’s team for only wanting to impeach Trump instead of investigating his alleged “collusion” honestly. Mueller also worked closely with long-time Trump foe Eric Schneiderman, the disgraced former New York Attorney General, in investigating Paul Manafort.
Pressure is also mounting as questions arise about the funding of the Mueller investigation, who is paying for opposition research against Trump, and how that information is being leaked to the media.
May 14 was the one-year anniversary of Mueller’s appointment as special counsel, and so far indictments from the wide-ranging and unfettered investigation pertain only to Trump associates, and only for alleged crimes unrelated to “collusion” with the Russian government.
But at least those indictments were brought against people who actually exist.
Mueller’s latest blunder underscores the feelings of many Americans, and of Trump himself – that the special counsel investigation is simply a Democrat-funded stunt to cast shade on what has so far been an extremely impressive Trump presidency.