MUST SEE: Staffer for RINO Johnny Isakson Demands Censorship of Georgia Gun Owners on Explosive Livestream

Georgia Gun Owners executive director Patrick Parsons received a call during a Facebook livestream on Thursday from a staffer for Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA) hoping to censor an article published by the group about Isakson joining the witch hunt against President Trump.

“You’ll have to call us back a little bit later, OK?” Parsons said to her. When she became belligerent, he revealed her identity to his audience while putting her on speaker phone.

“This is Amanda Maddox from Johnny Isakson’s office. She is demanding that the article be taken down,” he explained to his audience.

“I’m not demanding. I asked very nicely,” she retorted.

“OK, so we have the Politico quote from Johnny Isakson: ‘This sounds like a hard quid pro quo.’ That’s Johnny Isakson. ‘That’s the firmest anybody could say about the categorization of that. To my knowledge, everything that was said before was a soft quid pro quo.’ What is inaccurate about that?” Parsons asked Maddox.

“Johnny was in meetings, and was unable to watch the testimony yesterday in the House. He was asked by a reporter, “did you see the testimony?” He said, ‘no, I plan to review it later,’ and the statement that the witness made at the very beginning where he said, ‘was it a quid pro quo? The answer is yes.’ He was repeated back that statement to which he responded, ‘that’s what he said?’ or ‘he said it was a hard quid pro quo?’ and that remark has been taken and turned into a statement as opposed to repeating back a question,” Maddox explained.

Parsons refused to take Maddox’s spin as fact, and pointed to Isakson’s history of fighting pro-gun activists in Georgia as a reason not to believe her story.

“We want a recording, and we want the actual quote. We’ve been spit in the face by the Senator on gun control in 2013, ok, on the Toomey/Manchin expanded federal background check bill when he flirted with that. We have been spit in [the] face on S2554. We met with your staff in D.C.,” Parsons explained.

“You want to give $75 million dollars to left-wing researchers at the CDC to produce gun control studies, and that’s what they will produce. Do you not understand why gun owners are mad? Why gun owners are mad at this legislation? This is exactly what they left wants,” he added.

Watch the EXPLOSIVE CALL here by skipping to the 30:50 mark.

Big League Politics reported on Isakson’s betrayal yesterday:

Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-GA), after he was informed of the testimony of U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland earlier today, said to reporters “that sounds like a hard quid pro quo.”

“That’s the firmest anybody could say about that categorization of it,” Isakson said. “To my knowledge, everything that was said before was a soft quid pro quo.”

Isakson – who is set to retire from the Senate at the end of this year with three years left in his term – had been an opponent of the impeachment inquiry before making this apparent flip-flop.

“The House of Representatives is abandoning more than a century’s worth of precedent and tradition in impeachment proceedings and denying President Trump basic fairness and due process accorded every American,” the resolution previously supported by Isakson states.

Isakson is repeating the line from the fake news that Sondland’s testimony today somehow vindicated the Democrats when he repeatedly admitted that President Trump never ordered a quid pro quo.

The voters of Georgia will have the chance to replace this RINO with a solid conservative in the near future, as Isakson plans to retire at the end of 2019.

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