My Weekend Marching on Washington With Over 100,000 Pro-Life Activists

The 46th annual March for Life had an estimated 250,000 people in attendance, continuing to make the largest pro-life gathering in the world.

Speakers at the march included Alveda King and a surprise visit from Vice President Mike Pence along with his wife, Karen. President Trump also spoke to the crowd via a recorded video from the White House. Trump reminded marchers that in his first week in office, he reinstated the Mexico City Policy and is working to prohibit Title Ten taxpayer funded abortions.

Stating that, “we know that every life has meaning and that every life is worth protecting”, President Trump is working to make the Hyde Amendment permanent. This was the second year that President Trump has addressed the March for Life, and he made it evident that he will always value the life of the unborn.

“Together we will work to save the lives of unborn children.”

This administration is the most pro-life administration in American history. As Trump stated, “Today I have signed a letter to Congress to make clear that if they send any legislation to my desk that weakens the protection of human life, I will issue a veto.”

Vice President Pence attended multiple pro-life events related to the March for Life. I had the opportunity to visit with Pence in the Eisenhower building where he met with representatives from Students for Life of America and mothers representing Heartbeat International. These mothers were able to share their stories with the Vice President on how local pregnancy centers helped them in making their unplanned pregnancy decision.

I spoke with one of the moms, Brittany, on her experience with Vice President Pence:

“The way he spoke to the representatives of Students for Life, I think, really helped inspire them that the work they are doing is appreciated from in such high power. I am so thankful to finally have an Administration that values the life of the unborn.

It’s nice to have someone in such high power be unapologetically pro-life in word and action. He gave his undivided attention to each of us while telling our stories.

I am so grateful that the Vice President of the United States has a heart for the unborn and willingly met with us for over an hour. Oh, and that he held my baby for the picture!”

Pence was genuinely interested in everyone’s unplanned pregnancy story and was particularly impressed that Brittany is in her second year of pharmacy school while balancing being a single mom.

Vice President Pence also spoke at the 37th annual Rose Dinner following the March for Life. He again assured us that the life issue was at the top of his list. He made it clear that President Trump will veto any legislation that does not protect life and the two will work closely to always protect the unborn.

To see live footage from the March for Life:

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