Nashville Becomes Nation’s Largest Pro-Life City as Last Planned Parenthood Shuts Doors

Many pro-life activists have found themselves disappointed by the outgoing Republican congress, finding that Planned Parenthood remains federally funded despite a nominally “pro-life” GOP controlling the House, the Senate, and the Presidency.
However, some gains continue to be found on the statewide and local fronts. Recently the City of Nashville, Tennessee, became largest municipality in the United States without an abortion mill after an affiliate of Planned Parenthood closed it doors.
WLVT News in Tennessee had reported that the Planned Parenthood affiliate in Nashville had decided to close up shop after finding itself unable to locate an abortionist willing to work for them. Finding personnel with professional certifications willing to take on the highly controversial speciality of abortion “care” has become an increasingly common cause for abortion mills going out of business, as few physicians are willing to use their education and medical skills for the purposes of abortion.
However, the national abortion giant wanted to make it clear that it hasn’t been driven away from the Volunteer State just yet. Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi posted on Facebook:
“This is a temporary situation brought on by a number of factors,” the organization We are 100% committed to meeting our patients’ family planning needs in Nashville, including abortion services. We are going through a period of quality improvement, and we will be providing abortion services in Nashville again in early 2019.”
There’s no need for an industrial-scale abortion conglomerate to have a presence in Tennessee, let alone in the United States. Many pro-life health care and adoption services exist throughout the state to provide a peaceful alternative to abortion.