National Constitutional Law Union Releases Strategy for President Trump to Defeat Bogus Indictments

The National Constitutional Law Union (NCLU) has released its strategy for President Donald Trump to defeat the wave of bogus indictments that have been levied against him at the state and federal levels as a form of election interference by his political rivals.

The 17-page strategy memorandum is written by attorney Todd J. Aldinger, and it dismantles the arguments used in the indictments against Trump.

“All of the legal cases against Donald J. Trump should fail under the principle that a President cannot be held liable in any way for an action he took while in office unless he is first convicted of impeachment. In other words, all actions a President takes while in office must be presumed to be legal unless the President is convicted of impeachment,” Allinger wrote.

“Critically, any act by the President in connection with his executive authority would remain shielded from legal liability regardless of the perceived wisdom of this act. While the President is in office, he alone possesses the power to determine whether his course of action is in the nation’s interest,” he continued.

“Unless Congress found such a course of action to be so unwise to result in an impeachment conviction, any course of action must be found to be within the “outer perimeter” of executive authority as long as the President can articulate a plausible reason as to why he believed this course of action was in the national interest,” Allinger added.

The report went on to suggest different legal arguments that Trump and his legal team could use to argue immunity.

“Mr. Trump has various remedies available to him to attack the charges made against him in the indictments, but he has no legal remedy whatsoever other than a Writ of Prohibition to attack the fact that he was indicted in the first place, particularly when the indictments relate to his time in office, and he has not been convicted of impeachment,” Allinger stated.

The full white paper can be accessed here.

The NCLU is led by prominent pro-Trump legal mind John Pierce, who serves as the organization’s chairman. The NCLU executive director is Gavin Wax, the President of the New York Young Republican Club who is among Trump’s most outspoken proponents on social media. Additionally, NCLU development director Laura Loomer was recently Trump’s guest of honor at the Trump Bedminster Golf Club in New Jersey.

Trump is listening to the right people heading into the fight of his life. He would be wise to continue listening to groups like the NCLU while ignoring the reviled and dishonest political establishment.

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