National Park Service ‘Alt Rangers’ Fight Trump Within The Agency


Rogue agents within the National Park Service have joined the anti-President Trump “Resist” movement to fight the White House from inside the federal government.

The self-proclaimed “Alt Rangers” oppose the president and also Trump administration Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

The Alt US NPS Twitter account proclaims: “Alt US National Park Service- Unofficial movement. Climate change is scientific & exists. No drilling in National Parks.”

The group, claims to be comprised of 204 National Park Service employees plus National Park Service, EPA, and USDA employees and state-level workers. The group slams Zinke on the Trump administration’s support for coal.

“Today our Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke defended the Trump administration’s budget cut request for the Interior Department. The budget cut is for $1.6 billion or 13 percent of our overall budget for the Interior Department,” the Alt National Park Service stated on Facebook Thursday night.

“Zinke has personally determined that many programs done within the Interior Department are unnecessary or a low priority. Among the purposed unnecessary or low priority programs are discretionary grants to help reclaim abandoned mine sites, National Heritage areas, and National Wildlife Refuges. These purposed cuts will also eliminate about 9,000 employees,” the group continued.

A source confirms to Big League Politics that a “Resist” sign was written on the chalkboard when he/she recently visited the Women’s Rights National Historical Park (screenshot below):


The National Park Service released photos in March disputing President Trump’s crowd estimate for his inauguration festivities. A source told Big League Politics that the photos appeared due to a former Park Service employee that still had access to the agency’s Twitter account.

The Alt Rangers did not return a request for comment for this report by press time.

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