Naughty List: Trump Cancels Annual Press Christmas Party

Thursday, President Donald J Trump cancelled the White House’s annual Christmas party held for members of the media, according to Fox News.

“President Trump has canceled the White House holiday party for the media, making the decades-old tradition a victim of his increasingly contentious relationship with major news organizations,”the network said.

Who could blame Trump? Would anyone want to spend more time than necessary around Jim Acosta, other than his elitist media pals?

“The party was one of the major perks for journalists,” the report said, “complete with gourmet meal, tour of the White House Christmas decorations, and extended invite to a friend or spouse.”

Sorry to hear that the press won’t get to have their little romp around the White House, but luckily for them, they can head on over to Slate and read all about the decorations in a piece called “What Message Is Melania Trump Sending With Her Red Christmas Trees of Death?” Not to mention, why should our hard-earned taxpayer dollars pay for a “gourmet meal” for a media that hates us?

“But the biggest benefit of the party was the posed pictures with the President and First Lady,” the report said. “Guests wait in long lines for the opportunity.”

“There was no announcement made that the White House was dropping the press party,” it continued. “President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump made an appearance at the party last year.”

Oh well. Maybe next year the press will treat Trump a little bit better, and work its way off the naughty list. But don’t count on it.

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