NeverTrumper Glenn Beck Is Selling His Private Jet

Former Fox News host Glenn Beck is putting his private jet up for sale.

The hardcore NeverTrumper, who led an impassioned pro-Ted Cruz, anti-Trump movement during the primaries that continued through the general election and beyond, is experiencing financial problems.

The Daily Beast reported: “The listing for the two engine plane that’s ferried Beck from his home in Texas to New York boasts of “2014 custom paint,” and “2014 airframe and engine inspections,” among other features. Beck’s opulent spending habits have been a source of consternation at his media empire. Employees at The Blaze previously lamented that Beck bought a Maybach sedan and kept his jet—which was expensive to operate and maintain—amid massive layoffs at the company in 2015.”

Beck, popular for his anti-Woodrow Wilson agitation at five o’clock on Fox News years ago, experienced a severe dip in his relevance when he went all out against Trump, attacking our current President for his personality and character. Beck’s attacks on Trump did not stop when other conservatives and Republicans fell in line.

His radio show is oddly largely absent of the relevant Trump-themed content that drives conservative talk radio, and it also features horror movie-style refrains as bumper music for some reason. But he has Bill O’Reilly on sometimes, who at least talks about some Trump stuff.

Here’s Glenn Beck’s jet:

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