NEW THREAT: Antifa Plans Acid Attack on D.C. Free Speech Rally, Promises To Blind Attendees

A person utilizing artwork created by a Rolling Stone journalist who writes favorably about Antifa has threatened to attack attendees of the Demand Free Speech rally with “muriatic acid, wax, and balloons” on July 6 in Washington, D.C.
The threats were made on a popular right wing Telegram channel. A user with the name “POUND ON YOUR BOY” made several threats against the rally, prompting co-organizer Enrique Tarrio to contact the FBI and DHS, who are now planning to provide additional security to the event.
Over the course of about 10 minutes last night, the “POUND ON YOUR BOY” account asked how the D.C. event is “coming along”, and referenced muriatic acid multiple times.
“I just want to toss as many balloons of Muriatic acid in the faces as many Proud Boys I can [sic]”, wrote the user, “I just want to blind as many of you c**k suckers are possible [sic].”
He continued making threats, and eventually concluded his participation in the Telegram channel with “We already have the Muriatic acid, wax, and balloons.”
According to Tarrio, the threat is especially dangerous due to the use of wax. Muriatic acid can be purchased in virtually any pool store or home improvement store, and is already dangerous on its own with the ability to cause minor burns, but can quickly be washed off with water. By combining the muriatic acid with wax, it will immediately form a film similar to candle wax on the injured person’s skin.
Tarrio explains that this could allow the burn to become severe, and even lead to the wax and acid entering the injured person’s blood stream and causing cardiac arrest.
“It starts with milk shakes, then it escalates to what happened to Andy Ngo, and now they’re threatening us with acid attacks,” Tarrio told Big League Politics, referencing the severe attack experienced by Ngo earlier today, when Antifa groups threw milk shakes at him and repeatedly struck and kicked him. “All because we want to defend free speech in Washington, D.C.”
Tarrio went on, “We will not be intimidated with these tactics of fear and fascism. We will celebrate our First Amendment without apology.”
While researching the “POUND ON YOUR BOY” name and cartoon profile photo associated with the Telegram account, Big League Politics was able to identify Twitter and Instagram accounts with the same phrase and artwork.
The artwork and phrase were created by Fagan Kuhnmuench, a Rolling Stone and Playboy journalist who repeatedly writes articles and social media posts sympathetic of Antifa.
When asked whether the “POUND ON YOUR BOY” Telegram account belonged to him via direct message on Twitter, Kuhnmuench took 18 hours to deny it was his Telegram account. He informedĀ Big League PoliticsĀ that he is not on the social media platform, but did not provide comment on his art being used to make violent threats.
Tarrio confirmed to Big League Politics that this information has been forwarded to the FBI.
This article was updated to provide details about communications between Kuhnmuench and Big League Politics.