New Group of Turncoat Gun Owners is Being Launched to Push for Civilian Disarmament

Giffords, an anti-Second Amendment organization created by former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, is launching a new group of gun owners to challenge pro-gun groups across the nation.
Building off a coalition that was set up in 2018, Gun Owners for Safety was recently unveiled and has chapters present in Colorado, Minnesota and Texas. It will serve as a counterbalance against pro-gun organizations and will push for gun control measures nationwide.
“I think whether you’re talking about politics, whether you’re talking about lobbying, whether you’re talking about culture change, what’s vitally important is that we focus on the millions of Americans at the center of our politics. If we’re going to have long-term durable change in this country, it can’t just be the activists on the left and the activists on the right. We really have to move the center,” Giffords Executive Director Peter Ambler declared.
Giffords is the wife of Arizona Senate candidate Mark Kelly. She is also a gun owner and according to Ambler, Giffords was one of the most moderate members during her time serving in the U.S. House.
Ambler claims that the group’s organizers have already reached out to approximately 50,000 gun owners all across the nation “who are fed up with the NRA,” Ambler stated. According to a report by The Hill, the group’s members “include hunters, collectors, veterans, former law enforcement and others who value firearm ownership but also want to reduce gun violence.”
“These men and women were eager, at a time when our values of our country are being debated, to raise their hand and show politicians, show the country, that the vast majority of gun owners support safer gun laws,” Ambler remarked. The Executive Director of Giffords said that universal background checks are a central policy item for the group.
The NRA has become a punching bag of sorts for many gun control groups. Despite some of its questionable dedication to certain gun rights causes, the kind of persecution the NRA is facing from the state of New York for allegedly mismanaging funds and being involved in other forms of corruption.
“Put your foot in the shoes of an American gun owner, do you want to be part of the NRA, which is embroiled in legal and ethical controversy?” Ambler inquired. “The NRA wants you to believe that you can’t have your Second Amendment and pursue laws like … universal background checks.”
“American voters are hungry for campaigns and messages and groups of people who are attempting to bring people together to accomplish something that serves all Americans. That’s why Gabby is working so hard to organize fellow gun owners across the country,” Ambler commented.
The pro-gun control movement is not playing around. They will use every strategy in the book to try to destroy the Second Amendment. Gun owners should prepare themselves for the most unorthodox of attacks that come from this desperate anti-freedom lobby.