New Law in Illinois Forces Landlords to Rent to Illegal Aliens
Illinois is now forcing landlords to rent and sell property to illegal aliens. This is being done at a time when rents continue climbing upwards, thereby putting massive pressure on the working class.
To add insult to injury, housing is being opened to thousands of illegal aliens who would otherwise be deported under normal circumstances, as John Binder of Breitbart News observed.
In June, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed SB 1817 into law, which plans on adding “immigration status” as a class safeguarded by the Illinois Human Rights Act.
The Illinois state law guarantees that landlords statewide will be prohibited from refusing to rent or sell property to illegal aliens solely because of their illegal residency status in the US.
Binder reiterated that the passage of the law coincides with a period of high housing costs in Illinois, which he noted below:
“For example, in Chicago, the median rent today is about $1,900 a month — a bill that is out of reach for most working and middle class Americans. Compare that to last year when the median rent in Chicago was $1,750 a month.”
Mass migration is a scheme to not only demographically wipe out Western nations but it’s also designed to destroy the working class. It’s an oligarchical project through and through.
If America is to avoid becoming another Third World Banana Republic marked by corruption and rampant wealth inequality, it must halt all forms of immigration — be they illegal or legal.