New Study Shows Which States Are Best and Worst at Responding to COVID-19
A new study has shown which states have been best and worst at responding to COVID-19.
The study, conducted by the Johns Hopkins University Center for Health Security, looked at how well each state had implemented the key components of COVID-19 preparedness plans.
According to the findings, Florida and GOP-led states dominated the list of best responders, while Democrat-led states ranked among the worst.
Furthermore, states like New York, California, and Michigan – which have been some of the hardest hit by the pandemic – were among the lowest performers in the study.
All this, according to the study’s founders, is yet another example of why strong leadership is so important during a time of crisis. States need leaders who are willing to take charge and make tough decisions – something that many Democrat-led states have been unwilling to do for sheer political reasons.
Even the study’s authors say that the findings “support the notion that COVID-19 response efforts are political in nature.”
Also suggesting that Republican governors are more likely to heed advice from public health experts. While Democrat governors are more likely to “follow the lead of progressive activists.”
Per the study, 18 states received a grade of A or B. With 16 of the top-ranking states being led by Republican governors. Notably, not one Democrat-led state appeared in the top five.
Top performers included Utah, Nebraska, and Vermont. With “Montana and Florida right behind.”
The Committee To Unleash Prosperity (CUP) has prepared the most comprehensive analysis on how states handled the COVID-19 crisis. Those findings have also been published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
CUP had this to say to The Daily Wire in a recent statement: “The Report Card on the States measures and compares state performance on three metrics: the economy, education, and mortality from the virus. It answers the question: how did states do in balancing the health of their citizens, allowing their economies to remain operational and keeping job losses low, and keeping their schools open so that school-aged children did not suffer long term educational setbacks.”
The committee added, “Each of these three metrics were equally weighted. The states that received an F grade were New Jersey, New York, California, Illinois and Washington, D.C. These states performed poorly on every measure. They had high age-adjusted death rates; they had high unemployment and significant GDP losses, and they kept their schools shutdown much longer than almost all other states.”
Other states that received an A grade included Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma , South Carolina , South Dakota , Tennessee , Texas and Wyoming
Again, all of these states are led by Republican governors.
The states that received an F grade were California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan , New Jersey , New Mexico , New York , Oregon , Rhode Island , Vermont and Virginia .
Of course, all of these states are led by Democratic governors.
“There is a clear pattern here: The better a state did at responding to COVID-19 – in terms of lives lost, economic growth and school reopenings – the more likely its governor was to be a Republican,” the study concludes.
So there you have it. The next time someone tries to tell you that COVID-19 doesn’t care about politics, show them this study.
It’s clear that the states led by Democrats are the ones that have struggled the most with this pandemic – and it’s not even close.