New York Pastor Calls for National Day of Mourning
A pastor has called for a national strike on February 23 in protest of the New York 40-week abortion law.
The national protest is headed up by Pastor Jon Speed from New York, as he calls on the Christian community to take a stand against all the radical abortion bills recently proposed.
“The Day of Mourning is slated for this Saturday, Feb. 23. Organizers are encouraging Christian business owners to close their stores, and all Christians to wear black, refuse to shop and spend time in prayer and repentance for the national sin of abortion,” according to Life News.
This outspoken voice for the unborn is the same pastor who closed the doors of his bookstore following the passing of law, not wanting the state to collect any sales tax from his business.
Continuing his protest against the horrid bill, Speed is now leading a national protest to make the statement to lawmakers and the general public that all life is valuable. What he describes as “a day to repent and pray and seek God’s mercy on our nation for this terrible slaughter of innocent babies,” Speed hopes that others will join his campaign.
The national protest will also include a rally in New York. Rallying close to Governor Cuomo’s office, the pro-life event will start at 1 p.m. at the Empire State Plaza Convention Center. More information about the rally, protest, and how you can participate can be found on the “Day of Mourning” website.