New York Young Republicans Club Condemns ‘House GOP Traitors’ Over Railroading of Steve Bannon

The New York Young Republicans Club issued a scathing rebuke of several “House GOP traitors” who joined Democrats to railroad former Trump White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.

“The New York Young Republican Club condemns in the most unreserved terms the radical action by ten self-proclaimed Republicans in the House of Representatives to join in the Democrats’ politically motivated screed against Stephen K. Bannon, whom they have accused of acting in contempt of Congress,” the organization wrote in a press release issued on Thursday.

They specifically called out Reps. Liz Cheney (R-WY), Adam Kitzinger (R-IL), Nancy Mace (R-SC) and John Katko (R-NY) as “self-aggrandizing figures” who are “notable losers.” 

Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH), Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), Peter Meijer (R-MI), and Fred Upton (R-MI) received dishonorable mention in the press release as “unremarkable and ineffectual members of Congress riding the coattails of anti-Trump fervor to get more favorable media hits than they could earn on their own merits.

The organization defended its previous honors awarded to Bannon, who received their prestigious Frederic René Coudert Jr. Award in 2019. 

“These nine Republicans who voted to sic the Justice Department, led by a corrupt whacko, on Mr. Bannon deserve to be challenged in primary elections, and the New York Young Republican Club will support America First candidates who oppose them in 2022. We look forward to meeting with Katko’s constituents, in particular, and we vow to make sure that they understand what a snake they have representing them,” the NYYRs wrote.

“Crypto-Marxists have no place in the Republican Party, and we will continue and expand our forceful advocacy to eradicate their toxic influence. These nine are a good start,” they added.

The press release closed with a based quote from the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy about the need for Republicans to combat traitors within government.

“Senator Joseph R. McCarthy one said that “[o]ur job as Americans and as Republicans is to dislodge the traitors from every place where they’ve been sent to do their traitorous work.” The New York Young Republican Club intends to carry this torch forward; we will drive RINOs to extinction,” they concluded.

Big League Politics has reported about the farcical nature of the biased Jan. 6 commission that is making a mockery of the rule of law and the concept of justice:

Capitol police officer Harry Dunn issued testimony during Pelosi’s hearing on the Jan. 6 protest on Tuesday where he described the MAGA patriots as racist Klan members.

Dunn recited his lines for the camera and received plaudits from the fake news media for confirming their biases with his words:

While the Left would like for Dunn’s histrionic screed to be taken as dogma, his past shows that he is an ultra-partisan Democrat who has cheered on Black Lives Matter (BLM) terrorism in communities.

In one response to Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson, he defended BLM mob thuggery over the death of a rapist who was resisting arrest in Kenosha, Wisc.

Dunn tweeted at Carlson: “why is murder an appropriate response to property damage but property damage isn’t an appropriate response to murder?”

… In other social media posts, Dunn defended anti-Christian and anti-semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and laughed when former president Donald Trump was forced to retreat to a bunker in response to an actual siege on the White House by far-left agitators.

These RINOs are a fifth column working to destroy the America First GOP from within and deserve a much worse fate than just losing their Congressional jobs. The American public will have to settle for these disreputable individuals being run from office in disgrace after primary challenges.

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