Nigel Farage Forms His Own Brexit Party

As the Brexit departure date of March 29th draws near, die-hard Brexiteers are growing tired of London’s inaction on the issue.

Some like former UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader and staunch Brexit supporter Nigel Farage have had enough of the Brexit delay. Farage is now taking things into his own hands by supporting an official “Brexit Party”. With the help of former UKIP economic spokeswoman Catherine Blaiklock, Nigel Farage formed the Brexit Party, which is now eligible to compete in UK elections.

In The Telegraph, Farage gave the Brexit Party a raving endorsement stating that the party “was founded with my full support and with the intention of fighting the European elections on May 23 if Brexit has not been delivered by then.”

If the UK’s departure from the EU continues to be delayed, Farage has threatened to run as a candidate for the European Parliament. Farage has been one of the most vociferous proponents for leaving the EU, and the succesful 2016 Brexit campaign catapulted him into the international spotlight.

Since the Brexit vote concluded with the majority of the voting populace voting in favor of leaving the EU, London’s political class has done everything it can to delay, and even derail, the divorce with the EU for the past two years. Farage has called the current withdrawal deal proposed by Prime Minister Theresa May, “the worst deal in history.”

On June 23, 2016, British voter left a resounding mark at the polls when they voted 51.9 percent-48.1 percent in favor of Brexit.

The reasons for British voters deciding to leave the EU were all across the political spectrum: ranging from the EU’s dubious immigrations policies to EU micromanagement of British affairs.

Time will tell if the UK will accept the will of the people and make Brexit happen. Recent events in the EU such as the “Yellow Vest” protests in France or the populist surge  across Continental Europe show that the EU is sitting on a house of cards.

For the sake of Britain’s economic and institutional health, a clean Brexit would be the best decision it could possibly make.



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