No Compromise Gun Rights Organization Calls Out Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer Scheme to Destroy the Filibuster

In an attempt to raise the debt ceiling and avoid a government shutdown on December 15, 2021, Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer are crafting a deal to “temporarily” suspend the legislative filibuster and allow a Medicare bill to be rammed through the Congress without having to be subject to the 60 vote threshold.

“On the surface, this issue may seem benign and unrelated to gun rights, but eliminating the legislative filibuster will be disastrous for the Second Amendment,” declared Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights.  

“You can be sure that this ‘one time’ deal will set the precedent for eliminating the filibuster in its entirety, jeopardizing our legislative process, and turning the U.S. Senate into free-for-all for gun control.”

The legislative filibuster and the  60 vote threshold for advancing legislation in the U.S. Senate is designed to protect minority rights. It stops the Senate from functioning like the U.S. House which passes legislation on simple majority votes..

For those with short-term memory, the Second Amendment faced very credible threats throughout  2013, in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre.

The filibuster and 60 vote threshold were critical legislative features which safeguarded the Second Amendment from President Obama’s civilian disarmament plans and ensured that the Toomey-Manchin bipartisan gun control bill would go down in flames. 

“Mark my words, if they can do it for the debt ceiling, they will do it on gun control too. If they establish this process now, tomorrow they could stick in a provision to any other bill declaring by law that H.R. 8 Universal Gun Registration, or S.506 Red Flag Gun Confiscation, can pass the Senate with Vice President Kamala Harris as the tie-breaking vote. Pro-gun Republicans must oppose this insane idea.” Brown said in conclusion.

The National Association for Gun Rights is now urging its members to pressure their representatives and oppose all plans to get rid of the legislative filibuster.

While NAGR is known for its successes at the state level through its passage of Constitutional Carry, it maintains robust federal operations to keep anti-gun forces in check.

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