NO RECUSAL NEEDED: Mueller Team Has Former Clerk For Bader Ginsburg and Kagan

WASHINGTON — The Robert Mueller team employs an operative who previously clerked for Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.

This is especially significant in light of Tuesday’s confirmation hearing for Trump pick Brett Kavanaugh. Democrats are focusing on blocking Kavanaugh from presiding over any Trump-related matters, as it becomes increasingly possible that any obstruction charge Mueller levies against President Trump could wind up getting arbitrated in the Supreme Court. In fact, the lawyer for Roger Stone’s aide has already promised to argue that Mueller is an unconstitutional and invalid actor as Special Counsel in a possible Supreme Court case. Democrats have not made strong arguments for Kavanaugh’s recusal, aside from their belief that his judicial philosophy does not place much merit in the office of the Special Counsel.

If Brett Kavanaugh has to “recuse himself” according to Democrats, then so do Kagan and Bader Ginsburg.

Longtime former FBI Special Surveillance Group member and Mueller case whistleblower Chuck Marler explains the situation to Big League Politics:

“At the confirmation hearings for Kavanaugh, you will hear Democrats trying to push the theory that he should recuse himself from hearing any issues regarding Trump and the investigations into him. Obviously the Democrats want to hamstring him like they did Sessions but they should realize that if they ask that, then they too will regret what they ask for.

On the Special Counsel is an attorney named Elizabeth Prelogar.  She clerked for Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Elena Kagan.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has openly lobbied against Trump to the public.

I guess Ginsburg and Kagan should recuse themselves from hearing cases involving the Special Counsel and Ginsburg should recuse herself from cases involving Trump personally.”

Marler’s statement ends

Marler’s analysis checks out.

Here is an ABC News snapshot proving that Elizabeth Prolegar clerked for two liberal Supreme Court justices:

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