NO WHITES ALLOWED: Wake Forest University To Hold Segregated Faculty Meetings

A private university in North Carolina will hold segregated meetings for “faculty and staff of color” amid racial tension on campus, according to a Wednesday report.

“Dear faculty and staff colleagues, this is a reminder about our upcoming listening sessions on inclusion that I am holding for faculty and staff of color over the next several weeks,” said an April 18 email from Dean Michele Gillespie.

The College Fix obtained a copy of the email, which specified the details of the meetings:

–For faculty/staff who identify as faculty/staff of color: Monday, April 22 at 4:00 pm in ZSR Room 476 (we will be joined by Associate Dean Erica Still)

–For faculty/staff who identify as faculty/staff of color: Thursday, May 2 at 11:00 am in ZSR 476 (we will be joined by Associate Dean Erica Still)

–For staff who identify as staff of color ONLY: Monday, May 6 at 4:00 pm in ZSR Room 477

Please know that I have requested that all department chairs provide staff release time to be able to attend a listening session.

The school has already been cowed into bending a knee to the angry social justice mon. Nathan O. Hatch, the President of the school, offered black students a segregated lounge and kitchen space in March. He said in a campus wide release:

Prior to spring break, I met with students and agreed to designate a lounge for the Black Student Alliance in Kitchin Residence Hall. Additionally, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion will redesign diversity education opportunities leading up to and during New Student Orientation week. Training in unconscious bias and other ways to enhance a sense of belonging among all on campus will also be formally incorporated into student leader training, to include Student Government, fraternity and sorority life and other student organizations.

We will accelerate and expand the work of a group of faculty, students and staff to explore and share with our community a full and honest history of Wake Forest, focusing in particular on slavery and its implications. We joined the Universities Studying Slavery Consortium and continue to work across our entire community to ensure that all voices are well represented.

We will continue to work hard to diversify our community, building on greater diversity among our students faculty and staff—and to enhance our sense of belonging among all Wake Foresters.

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