NOT WINNING: President Trump Cancels RNC in Jacksonville Due to COVID-19 Concerns

President Donald Trump has announced that the Republican National Convention, which was set to place next month in Jacksonville, Fla., will be cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.

Trump announced that delegate business would still take place, but not in the form of an official convention. Speeches will be given remotely, and the event will not take place as previously planned.

“The timing of the event is not right,” Trump said on Thursday.

Trump reportedly talked with Governor Ron DeSantis and Vice President Mike Pence before coming to his decision. He said that he made the call despite the fact that the “drawings looked absolutely beautiful” for the event and so many people “desperately” wanted to attend.

Now, Trump will have to move forward without the momentum and enthusiasm that a successful convention would have given his campaign.

Big League Politics reported on how the Republican National Committee had been throwing cold water on the event because of Chinavirus mass hysteria:

The Republican Party establishment is blowing it hard, caving to COVID-19 hysteria, and instituting severe limitations for the upcoming Republican National Convention set to take place in Jacksonville, Fla. next month.

Republican National Committee (RNC) chairwoman Ronna McDaniel announced tight restrictions over the convention, which will go from Aug. 24 to 27. Trump supporters will be hassled and denied free access to the event to placate pandemic alarmists.

Only roughly 2,500 delegates will be allowed to participate in the first three days due to the pandemic. The GOP establishment brainiacs hope that everyone will stick around for Trump’s speech on the final day of the convention despite being disenfranchised.

“When we made these changes, we had hoped to be able to plan a traditional convention celebration to which we are all accustomed,” McDaniel said. “However, adjustments must be made to comply with state and local health guidelines.”

Some individuals close to President Trump are urging him to pull the plug on the convention entirely…

“We can gather and put on a top-notch event that celebrates the incredible accomplishments of President Trump’s administration and his re-nomination for a second term — while also doing so in a safe and responsible manner,” McDaniel wrote.

Meanwhile, prominent Republicans are simply announcing that they will not attend the event, and that list is growing by the day.

“I’m not going to go. And I’m not going to go because of the virus situation,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said to The Des Moines Register.

“Senator Alexander is an honorary chair of the Tennessee Trump campaign, but he will not be attending the convention because he believes the delegate spots should be reserved for those who have not had that privilege before as he has had,” a statement from the office of Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said.

Trump has shown an inability or unwillingness to stand up against scamdemic propaganda, and his lack of leadership on this issue may cost him in November.

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