NOTHING BURGER: Feds Find Zero Evidence Showing Trump Made Illegal Hush Money Payments

President Donald Trump and his organization have been formally cleared by federal prosecutors in New York of any wrongdoing regarding accusations of sending hush money payments, killing another canard pushed by Democrats and the fake news media to paint Trump as a criminal worthy of impeachment.

A judge is ordering federal prosecutors to release information about their probe into the Trump organization after finding no evidence to charge Trump or any of his executives with crimes. The investigation stemmed from alleged reimbursement payments to former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen for money that he paid to keep a Trump mistresses quiet. Trump has denied any affairs or wrongdoing from the start.

“The campaign finance violations discussed in the Materials are a matter of national importance,” wrote US District Court Judge William Pauley in his final decision. “Now that the Government’s investigation into those violations has concluded, it is time that every American has an opportunity to scrutinize the Materials.”

Prosecutors claimed that the alleged hush money payments constituted illegal campaign contributions, but no evidence could be produced to charge anyone with a crime. A Trump lawyer noted this legal victory as another feather in his client’s cap, as he continues to outmaneuver the deep state’s witch hunt against him.

“We are pleased that the investigation surrounding these ridiculous campaign finance allegations is now closed. We have maintained from the outset that the President never engaged in any campaign finance violation,” Trump’s lawyer Jay Sekulow said.

Cohen is serving jail time after pleading guilty to to eight counts, including two counts of campaign-violence violations. He claims he paid off porn star Stormy Daniels and Playboy playmate Karen McDougal on behalf of Trump to keep them quiet about affairs with the President in 2016.

It is very possible that Cohen received poor legal advice from his attorney Lanny Davis, a Clinton crony of many decades, who whined publicly about the closing of the investigation.

“Why is Michael Cohen … the only member of the Trump company to be prosecuted and imprisoned?” he said. “Especially since prosecutors found that virtually all of Michael’s admitted crimes were done at the direction of and for the benefit of Donald Trump? Why?”

Cohen did his best to reinforce all of the narratives from the fake news and the Democratic Party when he gave public statements about his relationship with Trump, probably in the hopes that it would buy him some leniency from the courts.

“Recently, the President Tweeted a statement calling me weak, and he was correct, but for a much different reason than he was implying. It was because time and time again I felt it was my duty to cover up his dirty deeds rather than to listen to my own inner voice and my moral compass,” Cohen said in court last year.

“My weakness can be characterized as a blind loyalty to Donald Trump, and I was weak for not having the strength to question and to refuse his demands,” he added.

Despite Cohen’s histrionic testimony, no evidence could be produced to convict Trump or his associates of any crime.

The judge said he will allow certain redactions to unrelated parties and law enforcement personnel who investigated the case when material related from the case is released to the public.

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