NXIVM Cult Sex Trafficker Keith Raniere Sentenced to 120 Years in Prison
A disgraced self-help guru who trafficked women into a cult for his own sexual gratification has been sentenced to 120 years in prison.
Keith Raniere had been convicted of racketeering, racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud conspiracy, forced labor conspiracy, sex trafficking, sex trafficking conspiracy and attempted sex trafficking, with possible penalties ranging from 15 years in prison to life.
Raniere was the founder of a sex cult he deemed NXIVM, in which he allured actresses and other women in the entertainment world to serve him under the guise of a self-hope program. His “sex slaves” were coerced into personally serving him through the disclosure of personally compromising information, and he even arranged for his personal initials to be “branded” on some of the victims.
Prosecutors also alleged that Raniere sexually abused a 15-year old girl and forced another teenager to stay inside a room for more than two years.
Some of Raniere’s servants in the NXIVM cult have also been charged and convicted with acting as accomplices to his trafficking, blackmail and sex crime activity, including Allison Mack, an actress most known for her role in the television series “Smallville.” Mack has pleaded guilty and is currently awaiting sentencing.
One woman who spoke at the victim impact segment of sentencing claims that the self-help guru forced her to starve herself with the intention of looking like a 12-year old girl.
Raniere’s lawyers made it clear he continues to contest his innocence, despite his convictions.
Convicts in the federal prison system are required to serve 85% of their sentences before being considered for parole, ensuring that the 60-year Raniere will never be free again if the conviction isn’t overturned. This guy isn’t going to have a fun time in the federal prison system.