Oakland Mayor Seeks to Reverse Defunding of Police as Crime and Degeneracy Skyrockets

The mayor of Oakland, Calif. is seeking to reverse the defunding of police in her town as crime and degeneracy skyrockets with vagrants and their tent cities popping up everywhere.
Mayor Libby Schaaf wrote in a tweet on Monday: “Today I announced our plan to restore police staffing by keeping the promise to voters who passed Measure Z + cancelling some of the police cuts scheduled for July 1. Increased police response will not reduce our historic investments in violence prevention + MACRO.”
The tweet can be seen here:
Schaaf is attempting to talk out of both sides of her mouth in an attempt to placate her far-left base while restoring order to the streets.
“While we are not backing down whatsoever on our historic investments in prevention, as well as a non-police response option… we must address police staffing shortages, and that is what we will do,” Schaaf said on Monday.
“There is nothing progressive about unbridled gun violence. This is what Oaklanders want, a comprehensive and effective approach to safety, and that includes adequate police staffing,” she added.
Unfortunately for the residents of Oakland and other liberal areas where these policies have taken root, the damage may be irreversible to the fabric of society.
Big League Politics has reported on how Portland has also done a 180 on defunding the police as the town descended into a wasteland:
“After over a year of near nightly perpetual rioting in the city of Portland, Oregon, the city council unanimously voted to increase to local police budget by $5.2 million. The new budget bump allocates a total of $7 million toward public safety. This comes as a surprise to many as in 2020, in the wake of the George Floyd riots by Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA groups, the city voted to slash the police budget by $15 million as part of the ‘Defund the Police’ movement across the United States.
Big League Politics has previously reported numerous times on the destruction and carnage that has been inflicted upon Portland by rioters and Marxist insurgents over the past year and a half. This includes a single riot which inflicted $500,000 in damages where police refused to intervene along with significant and dangerous increases in Portland’s 911 wait time.
“Many Portlanders no longer feel safe,” Mayor Ted Wheeler urged, “And it is our duty, as leaders of this city, to take action and deliver better results within our crisis response system.”
“Portlanders have a right to feel safe. I am committed to investing in programs that improve public safety in an urgent and strategic way, while also supporting reformed policies and practices to rebuild trust and accountability,” assured Wheeler.
It is worth noting that Portland’s police department is 128 officers short of their authorized strength in order to operate. The new budget will focus on signing bonuses for new officers and various other programs in order to keep current officers that are considering retirement to stay on board.”
There is likely no putting the genie back in the bottle. Cops are on the defensive, and the justice system must cater to the whims of low IQ thugs.
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