“Office of Countering Extremism” and Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders Removed From National Defense Bill

Conservatives can brief a temporary sigh of relief now that two provisions containing red flag gun confiscation and “Office of Countering Extremism” language have been taken out from the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act.

According to a report by Kristina Wong of Breitbart News, the decision to remove these provisions from the 2022 NDAA came about during negotiations on the bill between the House and Senate. 

A source that was allegedly close to the negotiations informed Breitbart News on the afternoon of December 6 that these negotiations resulted in the shelving of a plan to establish “Office of Countering Extremism” within the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.

This office would have focused on purging so-called “extremists” from the military. Many conservatives believe that Biden’s anti-extremist plan would disproportionately target otherwise normal conservatives. 

The red flag gun confiscation provision would have given military courts the power to issue protective orders that could be used to seize firearms from active duty members of the military without due process. 

The decision to remove these provisions comes at a time when the House and Senate negotiators are conferencing their versions of the NDAA together so that it finally passes by the end of 2021.

Last week, several House Republicans expressed their opposition to the NDAA bill, alluding to the aforementioned provisions and other troubling provisions.

According to a Politico report published on December 6, another provision requiring women to register for the draft was also taken out, which was another win for conservatives. Politico described this development as  “a stunning turnaround after the proposal gained bipartisan support in both the House and Senate this year.”

Republicans in both chambers of Congress applauded this move.

“It appears the NDAA will no longer require women to register for the military draft. I certainly hope that is case. If it is not, then I will keep fighting for a vote on the Senate floor to strip this wrong and misguided provision out of the final bill,” declared Missouri Senator Josh Hawley in a statement he released on the evening of December 7.

Back in July, Hawley introduced an amendment to remove this draft provision out of the final version of the bill.

Texas Congressman Chip Roy was also firmly opposed to the provision.

“I don’t think anyone worked harder to get the #DraftOurDaughters out of the NDAA bill than @chiproytx,” tweeted Scott Parkinson, Vice President of government affairs for Club for Growth.

Groups like the National Association for Gun Rights have previously sounded the alarms on Republicans voting earlier this year for an NDAA bill featuring red flag gun confiscation order provisions.

It appears that grassroots pressure has compelled Republicans to reverse course and make sure that no anti-Second Amendment provisions are featured in the 2022 NDAA bill. 

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