Ohio House SMACKS DOWN Kasich On Abortion and Guns In Same Day

John Kasich, Facebook

The Republican-led Ohio House of Representatives humiliated Ohio’s “Republican” governor John Kasich Thursday with two important votes.

Kasich, the lame duck anti-Trumper who might try to run against President Donald Trump in a 2020 presidential primary, vetoed his state’s “heartbeat” bill, which seeks to outlaw the aborting of unborn children with heartbeats. Kasich also tried to impose gun control by vetoing a pro-gun bill meant to benefit off-duty cops, but the House said NO to that move as well.

The AP reports: The Republican-led Ohio House has overridden GOP Gov. John Kasich’s veto of legislation imposing one of the most far-reaching abortion restrictions in the nation…The House eked out its 60-28 override of the abortion bill Thursday over strong objections by Democrats, who argued Ohio is leading a charge against women and the bill is unconstitutional…House members voted 67-22 Thursday to reject Kasich’s decision to strike down the gun legislation. It would expand gun access for off-duty police officers and at subsidized housing complexes and allow pre-emption of local gun restrictions, among other things.”

AP passage ends

Think about this. Think about how unpopular Kasich is with his own party that the Republican House managed to not only pass these bills against his opposition, but actually found enough votes to OVERRIDE his veto’s.

Kasich stands on the side of gun control and abortion. Republicans want nothing to do with it.

Republicans would be wise to remember this if Kasich actually tries to run in some kind of RINO primary challenge against President Trump.

Also remember that the Ohio GOP completely abandoned President Trump in the 2016 election, forcing the tea party, the NRA, and Women For Trump to carry the great state of Ohio for our president on their own, on the ground.

Kasich is clearly Big League Politics’ Loser of the Day.

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