ORWELLIAN: New Rules Allow Patients to be Denied Health Care for Expressing ‘Racist’ or ‘Sexist’ Beliefs in Britain

New rules are set to go into effect in Britain that will deny health care to people guilty of harboring “racist” or “sexist” sentiments, a decision that could eventually have a chilling effect on free speech in the United Kingdom.

There are laws currently on the books in place to allow healthcare officials in the socialized system to deny care to people who are verbally or physically hostile and aggressive toward them. This will be now expanded to include bullying and discrimination, including any type of racism, sexism and homophobia. This will give broader discretion to NHS officials to deny care to individuals, which could include their political opponents.

“Being assaulted or abused is not part of the job,” Health Secretary Matt Hancock wrote on Tuesday in a message to all NHS staff.

“Far too often I hear stories that the people you are trying to help lash out. I’ve seen it for myself in A&Es, on night shifts, and on ambulances,” he added.

Hancock claims that he is “horrified that any member of the public would abuse or physically assault a member of our NHS staff but it happens too often.”

He says that his office will be working with Crown Prosecution Service to ensure that people who express supposedly hateful views will not only be denied healthcare, but investigated and punished punitively as well.

“All assault and hate crimes against NHS staff must be investigated with care, compassion, diligence and commitment,” he said.

This comes as more NHS workers are reporting that they have experienced abuse on the job. Roughly one in seven of the approximately 569,000 staff members who were surveyed reported being physically attacked on the job. This is happening as Britain is aggressively Islamified under the thumb of globalism and multiculturalism.

British authorities will not do anything to repel the flood of Muslims invading from the third world as a result of this troubling news. They will, however, enact new laws to punish so-called racists and sexists.

NHS chief executive Sir Simon Stevens claims that his organization is “determined to clamp down on abuse and aggression in all its forms.”

Other troubling findings from the NHS survey show that 40.3 percent of workers feel an excessive amount of work-related stress, and 22.9 percent of workers believe their time pressures are unrealistic. These figures have both raised over the past year.

37 percent of NHS staff members have reported that they have experienced bullying during their frequent face-to-face interactions with patients. In addition, 9 percent of workers have reported harassment or bullying from colleagues while 12 percent have reported mistreatment from their managers.

All of this news paints a dismal picture for a socialized healthcare system that is already overburdened, resulting in massive backlogs for patients looking to receive critical care. Figures recently released by NHS showed that a record 100,000 patients were left waiting for healthcare for more than four hours in January, with thousands of them delayed for more than 12 hours.

With all of these problems facing the NHS, the politically correct British government chooses to tackle supposed hate speech instead of the real problems. These new rules may allow people to be denied healthcare services because of their political beliefs, as anyone who criticizes drag queen grooming parties at libraries or the Islamic take-over already considered a bigot in the eyes of the British authorities.

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