OUTRAGEOUS: Colorado High School Suspends Student Because of Social Media Photo of Her Holding a Gun

Endeavor Academy, a high school located in Centennial, Colorado, informed Fox 31 of their decision to suspend a 17-year-old student for holding a gun on social media.

Alexandria Keyes was suspended for five days due to “safety” concerns.

A few weeks ago, Keyes posted a photo to Snapchat of her and her brother, a U.S. Army veteran, holding guns and flipping off the camera with a confederate flag in the background.

Keyes claimed that the explicit gesture was supposed to be a message to the enemies her brother fought during his time serving in the Army.

The school asserts that Keyes’ social media posts “concerned the school community and resulted in multiple parents keeping their kids home from school out of concern for safety.”

Keyes and her mother, Kelley McCollum, were contacted by Reason magazine and they believe that the other posts the school cited are from earlier in the year. Eight months ago, Keyes posted a Snapchat video and picture of her shooting at a local gun club.

The high school student insists she never meant to threaten anyone with her posts and that going to the shooting range is something she frequently does with her mom and brother.

“I want them to know the meaning behind the post was completely innocent. I thought it was fun. I was going out with my brother to have a good time,” she said when Fox 31 reached out to her.

McCollum was incensed.

“She didn’t break any laws. She didn’t break any rules, and what she did was completely within her rights,” McCollum told Fox 31. “I said, ‘There are 17-year-olds who go hunting. There are 17-year-olds in the military. Are you panicked because of them?’ They wouldn’t answer that question.”

McCollum disclosed to Reason that her daughter was scared to go back to school after her suspension ended because she’s “getting death threats, hate mail, and [negative] comments on her [S]napchat.”

Colorado, which used to have a very pro-gun environment, has taken an anti-gun turn in the last decade. Earlier this year, Governor Jared Polis signed a red flag gun confiscation bill into law which only enhances its anti-gun profile.

Colorado is currently ranked as the 40th best state for gun owners according to Guns & Ammo magazine.

In the current climate of political correctness, incidences like these will likely be on the uptick. BLP previously reported one case where individuals were censored on social media simply for posting images of themselves peacefully using firearms. Similarly, Liberty Conservative News reported on a case where a student was suspended for posting a photo of herself holding a gun.

These cases demonstrate how PC administrative officials are enthusiastic about silencing any display of affection towards American traditions of gun ownership and free speech.


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