Over Half of French Survey Respondents Believe in the Great Replacement Theory

A survey was published last week that revealed half of the French public believing in the “Great Replacement” theory.

Said theory posits that Western elites in business and politics are using mass migration to replace the native populations of predominantly white, Western countries. Renowned French writer Renaud Camus coined the Great Replacement theory.

Chris Tomlinson of Breitbart News observed that the survey was conducted by Ifop, which asked several questions about immigration and other matters such as the Islamization of France. 

Nearly 70% of survey respondents declared that there were “too many” immigrants in France, while 62% believe that immigration was the main reason for insecurity issues taking place across the country, according to a report by a French news magazine L’Obs.

Additionally, the Ifop survey asked respondents questions about French identity and Islam. 70% stated that France should stay a Christian country, while 68% said Islam posed a threat to French identity. 

Crime that involves underage illegal aliens has turned into a major problem for various parts of France. Earlier this year, French Senator Henri Leroy called attention to the alarming rise in minor migrant crimes.

“Just look at the panorama of delinquency. There is a worrying increase which seems exponential. The number of minor migrants was 30,000 in 2015 and 60,000 in 2018, and the associated problems are increasing at the same rate,” Leroy said back in May.

“In Bordeaux, 40 per cent of delinquency is attributable to them, and the proportion was 24 per cent two years ago. The problem grows and threatens to infiltrate all sections of delinquency, trafficking, banditry… We need to stop this bleeding,” he continued.

What France is experiencing is a common scene throughout the multicultural West. Corrupt political elites looking for cheap votes and unscrupulous businesses looking for cheap labor have fully bet on mass migration, much to the detriment of Western countries’ native populations.

Hopefully, national populist movements sprout up everywhere and put an end to the treasonous policy that is mass migration. 

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