Parkland Father Heckles Biden During White House ‘Gun Violence’ Event
Are schisms of the left growing bigger as the days go on? Joe Biden may be worried about such potential issues after a gun control advocate interrupted his remarks on Monday praising the passage of the bipartisan Safer Communites Act.
Manuel Oliver, the father of Parkland victim Joaquin Oliver, got up during Biden’s speech on the South Lawn and loudly objected to his claim that the bill “matched thoughts and prayers with action.”
See you at 8:15 live from DC. Our reactions before, during, and after the White House “Celebration” @ChangeTheRef
— Manuel Oliver (@manueloliver00) July 11, 2022
Oliver criticized the White House’s event prior to its start via Twitter.
“The word CELEBRATION has no space in a society that saw 19 kids massacred just a month ago,” he posted. “’Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.’ Not me, not Joaquin.”
The word CELEBRATION has no space in a society that saw 19 kids massacred just a month ago. “Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.” Not me, not Joaquin. @ChangeTheRef
— Manuel Oliver (@manueloliver00) July 11, 2022
The gun-control advocate was reportedly kicked out of the event soon after, but not before Biden told him to “sit down” and “hear what I have to say.”
Biden then directed staff to “let him talk,” before discussing how his desired legislation included funding for red flag laws, closing the boyfriend loophole, and outlawing straw purchases.
Oliver reportedly held his own gun-violence press conference at the White House at 2 pm Monday.
White House occupant Joe Biden has kept the temperature in his anti-gun rhetoric high, recently telling Americans that floods of guns are turning US communities into “killing fields” and promising to ban numerous commonly owned civilian firearms.
“This has taken too long, with too much of a trail of bloodshed and carnage,” Biden said.
“The past many years, across our schools, places of worship, workplaces, stores, music festivals, nightclubs, and so many other everyday places, they have turned into killing fields… Neighbourhoods and streets have been turned into killing fields as well.”
He then spoke on so-called ‘assault rifles’ pledging to restore a 1994 to 2004 ban that barred Americans from owning various types of common semi-automatic civilian rifles.
“I’m determined to ban these weapons again…. I’m not going to stop until we do it,” he announced.
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