Peter Strzok Hid The Search Warrant For Weiner’s Laptop Emails

FBI agent Peter Strzok emailed the draft copy of the Anthony Weiner search warrant to himself on his private email address days before the election, which allowed him to make changes to the warrant without being detected by FBI documentation. This revelation came out in the Michael Horowitz inspector general report.

If Strzok had printed out the draft warrant at his office, it would be subject to official FBI records. But instead he sent it to his private email on October 29, which allowed him to print it off at home. Insiders believe that Strzok showed the draft warrant to other people, despite the warrant being under seal by a federal judge.

The Anthony Weiner warrant ended up being limited in scope, leaving out some of the private email domains that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin used to send each other classified information.

“Did you (Strzok) print it at the printer at your house? Did you let your friend, the federal judge, or a reporter, look at it while you made changes? Did you let someone in the Hillary Clinton campaign look at it?,” wonders Chuck Marler, a longtime former FBI Special Surveillance Group member, to Big League Politics.

“It allowed him to circumvent the system so he could allow other people to look at it. On October 29, it was a draft. At some point, they made changes,” Marler said.

The inspector general report makes clear the extent to which the FBI was trying to cover up the Weiner situation, with James Comey even stating that he did not know Weiner was married to Huma Abedin. Yeah right!

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under James Comey and Andrew McCabe sat on the revelation that Anthony Weiner possessed more than 300,000 relevant emails on his laptop including tons of Hillary Clinton-Huma Abedin emails dating back to 2007.

Why? The report from Inspector General Michael Horowitz claims that the FBI shifted focus to the higher priority of the “Russia collusion” investigation, and that agents did not think the emails on Weiner’s laptop (many of them classified) would be “important.”

The fact that Weiner had access to classified Clinton emails is stunning enough. Now, courtesy of the IG report, we know that Comey’s FBI were obviously complicit in covering up the revelation and using the “Russia” hoax to divert attention from Weiner.

From the Horowitz Report:

“As we describe in Chapter Nine of our report, the explanations we were given for the FBI’s failure to take immediate action on the Weiner laptop fell into four general categories:

The FBI Midyear team was waiting for additional information about the contents of the laptop from NYO, which was not provided until late October; • The FBI Midyear team could not review the emails without additional legal authority, such as consent or a new search warrant; • The FBI Midyear team and senior FBI officials did not believe that the information on the laptop was likely to be significant; and • Key members of the FBI Midyear team had been reassigned to the investigation of Russian interference in the U.S. election, which was a higher priority…”


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