Petition Campaign Blows Up for President Trump to Fire Pro-ANTIFA FBI Director Chris Wray

After repeatedly denying the ANTIFA terror threat and diverting federal resources to the false canard of white supremacy, a grassroots movement is urging for President Donald Trump to fire FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Newly saved Christian and long-time Trump advocate Roger Stone is publicizing a petition to the President to fire Wray that is rapidly gaining signatures.

“So attorney general Bill Barr says he has absolute solid proof via the FBI of Antifa’s organized financing and structure yet FBI director Christopher Wray insists that ANTIFA, which is a dangerous terrorist group, is just an ideology and not dangerous at all,” Stone said in a video address against Wray posted on his Telegram account.

“Chris Wray is the epitome of a swamp rat. He has worked against President Donald Trump to cover the excesses of the FBI since the moment he was appointed. It is time for the President to fire Chris Wray,” he added.

The petition can be accessed at The language introducing the petition makes an even stronger case for Trump to depose Wray.

“Director Wray has failed to pursue in any meaningful way the criminal abuses of power perpetrated by his predecessor and the former Deputy Director who participated in nothing less than a seditious conspiracy aimed at a sitting president, after spying on this president while a candidate for that office, obtaining extraordinary secret warrants under knowingly-false pretenses and by systematic deception of a federal court, in service to tawdry personal and partisan vendettas against this president,” the petition description reads.

“Director Wray has failed to reform the culture of the FBI that has for too long been tainted by political correctness and the selective targeting of enforcement against only those who have opposed certain political actors, sects or ideologies, while ignoring serious and widespread crimes committed or fomented by these same political actors or their fellow travelers,” the petition continues.

Big League Politics has exposed Wray as a liar by showing that the supposed white supremacist threat is virtually nonexistent and black terror is a far worse threat:

According to the Justice Department data from 2017 (long before the ongoing BLM anti-white riots started), black Americans are over-represented by 50 percent in the number of overall hate crimes committed. Meanwhile, whites are underrepresented by 24 percent. The results are consistent for other years as well, showing that it is blacks who are committing a disproportionate amount of hate crimes.

Blacks also commit hate crimes at a rate that is three times higher than whites per 100,000 Americans, according to FBI crime data in 2016-2017. The SPLC’s own data even shows that blacks are more than twice as likely to join a hate group. When it comes to domestic extremist terrorism, it is the same story. Blacks are once again far more likely to commit terrorist attacks than their white counterparts.

According to homeland security data, blacks are yet again over-represented by 19.4 percent when committing domestic extremist attacks. Meanwhile, whites are underrepresented yet again by 32 percent. Despite making up just 13 percent of the population, blacks accounted for over 32 percent of domestic extremist attacks that occurred between 2015 and 2019. Over the same time period, whites only accounted for 29 percent of the domestic extremist attacks even though they made up 62 percent of the total population.

The facts are clear: whites are statistically far less likely to commit domestic terrorism or engage in other violent racist activity than blacks. However, the feds still focus their efforts on white people while giving a pass to blacks who burn, loot and murder at epidemic rates in cities across the country.

The reason why the feds refuse to focus their efforts on the actual threat is because of a successful lobbying campaign by the Radical Left. Monolithic bureaucracies like the FBI and DHS are tied at the hip to special interest groups like the ADL. The ADL is a seditious anti-white organization that hates the Bill of Rights and Constitution while lobbying for Big Brother censorship against Trump supporters.

Roger Stone is right yet again. Wray must go for faith to be restored in the wounded American justice system.

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